Enjoying while working

It’s whenever I see the smiling faces of my colleagues I have to smile myself too because I adore them. We’re like a family in one roof. Isn’t it amazing that in this kind of work sometimes we have misunderstandings? We still manage to laugh. It helps me a lot to relieve stress. Here are some laughter tips that I would like to share with you. Look for the funny things that always exist like the funny actions of your co-workers and also your funny behaviour. Laughing with them for a few minutes for no real reason at all and finding playful ways to lighten up conflict. I don’t have to wonder why I’ve stayed in the restaurant I work for almost four years and still going because we laugh a lot.

“We need to laugh more and seek stress reducing humour in our everyday lives. Laughter is the human gift for coping and survival. Laughter ringing, laughter pealing, laughter roaring, laughter bubbling. Chuckling. Giggling. Snickering. Snorting. These are the sounds of soul saving laughter which springs from our emotional core and helps us feel better, see things more clearly and creatively weigh and use our options. Laughter helps us roll with the punches that inevitably come our way. The power of laughter is unleashed every time we laugh. In today’s stressful world, we need to laugh much more.” Says Laughter Therapist Enda Junkins.

“The most wasted day of all is that in which we have not laughed.” –Sebastian Roch Nicolas Chamfort


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